Brdo-Brijuni Proces / Brdo-Brijuni Process

Foto: Borut Živulović

25. julij, 2010, Brdo pri Kranju

25. julija 2010 je bila na pobudo slovenskega predsednika vlade Boruta Pahorja in hrvaške predsednice vlade Jadranke Kosor na konferenci na Brdu pri Kranju ob navzočnosti visokih predstavnikov večine držav regije Zahodnega Balkana ustanovljena pobuda Brdo-Brijuni Process. Nastala je času hladnih dvostranskih odnosov med narodi in državami v regiji, za cilj pa si je zadala spravo in medsebojno urejanje odprtih vprašanj po mirni poti, vsestransko regionalno sodelovanje, predvsem pa evropsko perspektivo za vse države v regiji. Iniciativa Brdo Brijuni Process je še danes, po 14 letih, ena najbolj vplivnih političnih iniciativ, ki se redno sestaja vsaj enkrat letno, Borut Pahor pa jo je kot predsednik vlade in države vodil vse do konca njegovega drugega predsedniškega mandata 2022.

July 25, 2010, Brdo pri Kranju

At the initiative of the Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor and the Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, the Brdo-Brijuni Process was established at a conference in Slovenia, in the presence of high representatives from most of the countries of the Western Balkans region. The initiative was born during a period of strained bilateral relations between the nations and states in the region. Its aim was reconciliation and peaceful resolution of open issues, comprehensive regional cooperation, and, above all, the European perspective for all countries in the region. After 14 years, the Brdo-Brijuni Process remains one of the most influential political initiatives. To this day, it regularly convenes at least once a year. Borut Pahor, as the Prime Minister and the President of Republic of Slovenia, led it until the end of his second presidential term in 2022.


Normalizacija odnosov s Srbijo / Normalization and beginning of bilateral Relations with Serbia


Trst - Narodni dom - Bazovica /